Learning English 101: Phone Number & Address

In the third meeting, we talk about phone numbers and addresses.

I don’t want to discuss this topic on the course because is not too interesting. So, I wanna share an interesting fact about phone numbers.

Why the numbers phone is different from each other?

Phone numbers in each country have different patterns, including in Indonesia, we can identify our phone number using the format.

Area code + Prefix + Line Number
  • Area code means codes are used by a specific geographic region, such as states.
  • The prefix is the specific code that means the operator or provider card that we using.
  • and the last is Line Number, your exact number.

For example in our country.

If you have a number +62 82-000000000. It means +62 is the county number, 82 is Prefix, and 000000000 is Line Number.

and what is the answer that why we have a different number from each other?

The operator has a special algorithm that can be modified and makes data variations. They will give you a special number for each new phone number.

Can it be the same?

Yes, can be. But, the probability is very small.

Especially, if you want to register your phone number. You must do verification identification using KTP or KK.

So, if there is a phone number the same as your phone number it can be used again.

Featured Photo by Adomas Aleno on Unsplash
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